First of all I'd like to apologise to anyone who has been checking in on my blog and were disappointed to not see any new stuff. It seems that along with life in general and a few things going on I have also been rather slack with the computer side of my business. However, during this time I have still been doing the hands-on making stuff part which means that I can at least update you on the last few months. (Better late than never, right)?!
My pre-Christmas markets proved to be very exciting and rewarding for my business. Lawson Magpie Markets is really fantastic for me, I seem to do better and better each time I go. I am now a permanent at this market and you can find me next to the plant guy on the court/quad. While there are road works nearby and renovations going on at the school, do not let this stop you from coming to check out the great range of plants, fruit & veggie's, pre-loved clothes, vintage & retro clothes and household goods, and so much more.
My blog has recently been featured at the following websites -
Garden Planters
Jewelry Making Supplies
Home Furniture Depot
Please check out the links for these websites. This is kind of like advertising for my blog and you can now google the web or images for Crafted Customisations and you will get results come up leading you to my blog. So hopefully more people will stumble across this way and enjoy looking at my products.
Boy Birthday Cards
Girl Birthday Cards
Female Birthday Cards
Male Birthday Cards
Mermaid Earrings
Owl Earrings
Tree Earrings
Bird Earrings